Our Mission
Emmaus Academy exists to walk with families along the path of classical Christian education, passionately pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty on the journey from wonder to Wisdom.
Our Story
In the early days of 2014, God ordained a meeting of three women and began a work that was completely unexpected and seemingly improbable…to them. With common appreciation for the work of British educator Charlotte Mason, a deep commitment to provide a classical Christian education for their children, and a fervent desire to give their children an opportunity to be a part of a community striving toward paideia, they began to pursue the idea of creating a hybrid learning environment that would serve to those ends. Throughout the next months, the Lord continually provided for every need – a suitable location, a teaching staff, and interested families. In August of that year, Emmaus Academy opened its doors for the 2014-2015 academic year. Soli Dei gloria!

Emmaus Academy is now in its ninth academic year. Emmaus Academy has grown considerably since that first school year and now has the privilege to serve 140 students representing over 70 families in the greater Rockford area. Over 40 students have now graduated in partnership with Emmaus Academy and are pursuing higher education goals.
We continue to stay on mission and maintain that vision through small class sizes and a 9 month academic calendar consisting of Tuesday and Thursday on-campus days for most students. Our classes reflect the influence of Charlotte Mason and are arranged on a Form system, with each Form representing two conventional grades. These six class groupings make space for new opportunities for leadership and friendship each year! Each week, we are reminded of the Lord’s provision as we pursue our calling and delight in the individual journey of each student “from wonder to Wisdom”.

Emmaus Academy desires, through Biblical leadership and wise financial stewardship, to continue to journey with homeschooling families via this unique partnership while maintaining small class sizes and passionate staff of Christ-followers. Although growth is not the ultimate goal, the Lord has blessed Emmaus Academy with consistent growth, and it is our desire to navigate that well into the future, maintaining small class sizes and a close-knit community of sojourners.
Future dreams include a decreased dependency on tuition dollars to support the growth and mission of this school, allowing for the purchase of a permanent campus to house Emmaus Academy, the development of an extra-curricular model through which students can pursue areas of interest, and the ongoing education of our staff.

Our Leadership
Emmaus Academy is not a ministry of any particular church or denominational body, but is governed by a Board of Directors. As a Christian organization, all board, faculty, and staff profess faith in Jesus Christ.
Board of Directors
Steve Hryszczuk
Michelle Gustafson
Sean Lantz
Julie McCombs
Julie DuChateau
Marlena Stechschulte
Administration and Administrative Staff

Amy Johnson
Head of School, Dean of Academics

Tonia Darge
Dean of Students

Amy Jarrett

Kari Landman
Office Staff

Michelle Gustafson
Teaching Staff

Back Row: Kathy Lantz, Tracy Danielson, Olivia Danielson, Amy Johnson, Tonia Darge, Natalie Rynne, Michelle Gustafson, Kari Landman, Julie DuChateau. Front Row: Amanda Kolcharno, Jennie Sic, Heidi Carlson, Carol Burke, Lori Evans, Amy Jarrett, Janet Patterson, Pearl Kinney, Nikki Berg.
Emmaus Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation formed in the state of Illinois and is governed by a Board of Directors. Emmaus Academy is not a ministry of any particular church or denominational body, nor does it promote or endorse any particular denomination. A board of directors governs Emmaus Academy. It is our desire to maintain this position for the purpose of unity and fairness to each student, avoiding any dissension that may be caused by denominational distinctives. As a Christian organization, all board, faculty, and staff profess faith in Jesus Christ.